Affiliated vaccine injury attorney David Carney recently elected to President of the VIP Bar Association

Coronavirus Spreading in the United States

Health officials in the United States are emergently attempting to tracking all individuals who have come into contact with patients infected with the coronavirus, even as they struggled to get a handle on how far the virus had spread in the country. As of March 2, 2020, authorities in the United States and the CDC have reported a total of 88 cases nationwide, with two fatalities. While the two deaths were older adults with underlying health problems, they were infected with the coronavirus. Twenty-three cases were announced on Saturday and Sunday in California, Florida, Illinois, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island and Washington. The new cases included a mix of people who had traveled to high-risk countries and those who were believed to have contracted the disease domestically. A analysis of the virus in Washington State, where the deaths occurred, suggested that the illness could have been spreading within the community for as long as six weeks before the first case was detected. The coronavirus has now infected nearly 90,000 people worldwide, killing more than 3,000. While these numbers are dwarfed by the outbreaks of the influenza virus every year, the coronavirus is creating a hysteria among the general public who have flooded the markets to obtains face masks and other preventative measures in the mistaken belief that such products will protect them. The WHO and CDC continue to urge the general public to remain calm as the best way to curtail or prevent the spread of the coronavirus is to wash your hands and practice standard acts of preventing coughs and sneezes from disseminating. Furthermore, health officials are urging those who are sick to remain home from work and work from home instead of commuting to the office with the virus. The CDC continues to urge everyone to get their flu shots as preventing influenza outbreaks will help the CDC and medical professionals focus on the coronavirus and curtail the scale of its outbreak across the United States. While adverse events, such as Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), from the flu shot are a real, but rare possibility, the risk of getting such adverse events are severely outweighed by the benefits of preventing the outbreaks of the influenza virus. If you or a loved one received a vaccine or flu shot in the weeks before the onset of GBS, please contact our vaccine attorney who can discuss how you would be eligible for vaccine compensation settlements for pain and suffering, medical expenses, future medical care and lost wages. [Click here to see if you are eligible for compensation][1] [1]:

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