Affiliated vaccine injury attorney David Carney recently elected to President of the VIP Bar Association

Do I Need to Hire a Licensed Vaccine Lawyer if I’ve Been Injured by a Vaccine?

The short answer is yes, and you should not hire a local lawyer or a family lawyer to represent you for your vaccine injury case for a number of reasons. First, vaccine injury claims can only be filed in a specialized federal Vaccine Court called the United States Court of Federal Claims. No matter where you live, your case must be filed in this court instead of your local state or federal court. In addition, the lawyer handling your vaccine case must be approved and admitted into this Court in order to handle your vaccine case. Not all attorneys are admitted into this Court, nor do they possess the expertise and criteria to be admitted into the Court. Second, hiring a licensed vaccine lawyer who has the specific knowledge and skill set in filing these cases is extremely beneficial and essential. Vaccine cases require an attorney to have a specialized and advanced knowledge of the science by which a vaccine can cause an injury, a specialized familiarity with navigating the United States Court of Federal Claims, and the experience dealing with the Department of Health and Human Services and US Department of Justice attorneys that defends these cases. Only an experienced and licensed vaccine attorney is best equipped to represent your vaccine injury case. Third, since all vaccine cases must be filed in the United States Court of Federal Claims, a licensed vaccine attorney can represent clients all across the United States. This means our vaccine attorneys can represent you no matter where you live. In so doing, our law firm provides the necessary accommodations for travel, videoconferencing technology, and any other case expense that arises. You will never have to pay out of pocket for us to represent your case. At the end of your case, attorney fees and costs are paid separately by the Vaccine Program so there is no cost or expense deducted from any settlement or award you will receive. Selecting a vaccine attorney to handle your vaccine injury case is the most important decision you will make associated with your vaccine lawsuit. It is critical to do your due diligence to find the attorney who is licensed to practice in the United States Court of Federal Claims, who has years of experience litigating vaccine cases at a high level, and who will cover all necessary litigation expenses so that you can focus on treating for your injury. At Green & Schafle, our licensed vaccine attorney, David J. Carney, has over 12 years of experience litigating vaccine cases in the United States Court of Federal Claims and he has been the Vice President of the Vaccine Injured Petitioners Bar Association (the legal association dedicated to representing those injured by vaccines) since 2019. He regularly prosecutes challenging and catastrophic vaccine injuries to trial and works with the most renowned medical experts at some of the top institutions (Yale, Stanford, University of Southern California, University of Pennsylvania, Columbia and others) across the country. Mr. Carney routinely takes on the tough cases and will zealously fight for you until the end. Our vaccine attorneys will accommodate you at every phase, will travel to meet with you about your case so that you feel invested and educated about the vaccine process, and will waste no time prosecuting your case to resolution.

Suffering from a Vaccine Related Injury?

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